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Guestbook — 15 Comments

  1. Beautiful web site. Wonderful stories and pictures showing all these beautiful loving rottweilers and the people that love them like Family.

  2. I really love the new website! Especially all the new pictures! Saw a few of my baby girl! 🙂 MAN I miss her….

  3. Such wonderful photos of such wonderful dogs! I’ve been blessed to know some of them and love seeing the ones I never was fortunate enough to meet in person. Owning 2 Von Marc puppies over the years, having one come to live with me for a bit and showing many from this kennel- I can personally vouch for the wonderful temperament, structure, work ethic and perfect family members these dogs make!

  4. The information on this site is incredible and so helpful to anyone. It is changing the way I perceive others, giving me confidence and gives me more meaning with all human interaction. Also, there is information on here for lifetimes with different and interesting topics/subject that all intertwine and support each other.

  5. Love your rotties looking for another rotties just lost my female after 11yrs she was my 5th wish you had some pups now

  6. Hello, if you’d like to be put on our waiting list, just complete our puppy questionnaire on the website. We always have a waiting list so it’s good to fill it out for us. Thank you for your interest, so sorry for the loss of your girl.

  7. I really enjoyed all of the informational material you had on your website. If you ever do a detailed article on breeding practices and genetics I’d be first in line to read them.

  8. Thank you for the opportunity to watch your beautiful happy dogs in action at the Nez Perce County Fair Grounds April 21-22, 2023.

  9. Your dogs are so beautiful, I hope in the next couple of years I will be able to get a pup from you guys. Simply the best and most impressive Rottie breeder I’ve found in this half of the country.

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