Obedience Training at Its Best!
Those of you who live in the Pacific Northwest are used to seeing Diane Colvin in the obedience and rally rings at the shows, quite often coming out with high class placements and/or achieving High In Trial at the events.
This page is dedicated to Diane for her hard work, dedication to the breed and for what she has done with the Von Marc dogs (and many others not of our breeding) that she has trained. We are pleased to present a few of her accomplishments here and are very thankful to her for helping us achieve what we have with our dogs in the obedience rings. She can do the same for YOU! She trains all breeds!
If you’d like to talk to Diane about training for your personal dog, you can contact her at
208-290-1946 (days) or 208-683-7111 (eves). She is currently taking dogs for in-house training and will train in all areas from basic housebreaking and walking on a leash to putting a “come” on your dog. For those of you interested in competitive obedience, Diane trains with positive, motivational training starting out in basic obedience, and continuing from rally through advanced UDX training. While your dog is at her home, they live in her house and are treated as one of her family. They receive the utmost care and attention to all details of their training. Diane is also available for private lessons. All you have to do is to watch her and the dogs she trains in the ring…….you can see the adoration they have for her and the willingness she instills in them to work.
Diane with Multi V-1, Can. OTCH, U-CDX, Am/Can/UCI Int’l Ch. Von Marc’s Fantasia v Zaber, UDX-2,
Diane took Fanci to:
2002 ARC Top Ten in Open Obedience
2002 ARC Top Ten Utility Obedience
1998 Top Ten Obedience
2001 ARC Top Ten Obedience
1997 Canadian Top Ten Obedience
1995 Canadian Top Ten Obedience
2006 High In Trial Rally at the age of 10 years!
8/02 – A Perfect 200 Score in obedience!
Diane with Anya and Hooker winning the Brace
Obedience Class at the ARC 2010 National Specialty
Diane and BOSS/AOM/Multi AKC/CKC High
In Trial, Am/UCI Int’l Ch. Von Marc’s Happi Hooker, Am/Can/UKC CDX, RAE, CGC (aka “Hooker”).
Diane has taken Hooker to:
2009 ARC National Specialty High In Trial (1st trial) 197.5
2009 ARC National Specialty High In Trial (2nd trial) 198
2009 Top Ten Novice B Obedience
2008 Top Ten Rally
1st – Brace Obedience (with Anya) – 2010 ARC National Specialty
Canadian Kennel Club High In Trial – September 12, 2009
Canadian Kennel Club High In Trial – September 13, 2009
Diane and (left) Von Marc’s Bar Room Kate Di-Kar, CD, RE, CGC (“aka Katie”),
(right) BISS/BOSS Multi AKC/CKC High In Trial, U-CD, Am/UCI Int’l Ch. Von Marc’s Hi Anastasia
Di-Kar, Am/Can UDX, RAE, CGC (aka”Anya”) and (in her lap) Tarma’s Hotter Than A Pepr Sprout MS, RA (aka “Dolly”), a miniature dachshund. On this particular day Anya had completed her CDX, Katie had completed her RE and Dolly had completed her RN.
Diane has taken Anya to:
2009 Top Ten Open B Obedience
2009 Top Ten Rally
1st – Brace Obedience
(With Hooker) – 2010 ARC National Specialty
Canadian Kennel Club High In Trial – September 12, 2009
Canadian Kennel Club High in Trial – September 13, 2009
First AKC HIGH IN TRIAL earned at 22 months
Diane and U-CDX Von Marc’s Remember Me, Am/Can CDX, RN, OA, OAJ, NAP, NJP, CGC as they competed in agility at the 2003 ARC National Specialty.
Diane took Remmy to:
MRC Hall of Fame
2005 ARC Top Ten Agility
2004 ARC Top Ten Open Agility Standard
2003 ARC Top Ten Novice Agility Preferred
2002 ARC Top Ten (#1) Novice Standard Agility
2002 ARC Top Ten (#4) Novice Jumpers With Weaves
2 Canadian High in Trial Awards/High Aggregate
AKC High in Trial Obedience
Dolly getting ready for the show!
Dolly finishing her RA, September, 2010! Diane setting up for training in her yard
Dolly training for the dumbbell
Nikki (Chihuahua) learning tricks!
Blaze (Gordon Setter) learning the heel position
Kenzie (Siberian Husky) learning the front and learning to heel
(who says you can’t train a Siberian!)
Diane with Multi V-1, Can. OTCH, U-CDX, Am/Can/UCI Int’l Ch. Von Marc’s Fantasia v Zaber, UDX-2,
RA, OA, ASCA-CD, VX, CGC and Am/Can/UCI Int’l Ch. Von Marc’s Oh I’m Promising, Am/Can. CD, BH, CGC (“Turbo”). Diane did all of Turbo’s obedience training, taking him to High Scoring Dog in
Trial during his campaign to his two CD titles while he lived at her home.
This is one of our favorite pictures, Hooker heeling with Diane in a warm-up prior to entering the ring. Diane has brought out the best in Hooker’s work ethic and they make a formidable team in the ring!
Diane with U-CDX Von Marc’s Remember Me, Am/Can CDX, RN, OA, OAJ, NAP, NJP, CGC earning
one of their many High In Trial/CKC High Aggregate awards!
Diane and Multi V-1, Can. OTCH, U-CDX, Am/Can/UCI Int’l Ch. Von Marc’s Fantasia v Zaber, UDX-2,
RA, OA, ASCA-CD, VX, CGC as they completed Fanci’s UD title with a first place award!
Blaze (Gordon Setter) learning to “High Five!”
Tricks come with training for free!